MEDICA: KENT, FARRINGTON . Menses too profuse, with nosebleed, too protracted, late. Also Read: Apis Mellifica Apis Mellifica is one of the best homeopathic medicines for phimosis. Burning, sore pain in glans. Since the testicles are very sensitive, even minor discomfort can result in testicular pain. Moistness seems to improve sexual sensitivity. Aphonia . A physician has to identify the actual cause at the root and guide the patient and his wife towards . Cantharis Vesicatoria treatment for Stomach ailments: Burning sensation of oesophagus and stomach ( Carb ). One of the reasons that the glans is more sensitive in uncircumcised men is that the foreskin covers it when not erect. During this time, your healthcare provider performs blood tests and skin tests to rule out a wheat allergy or celiac disease. First of all thanx for such a nice information. The skin of the arnica patient is hot and dry with intense pricking or itching on the entire body. Palminteri et al concluded that glans resurfacing or reconstruction can ensure a normal-appearing and functional penis, without jeopardizing cancer control. Antimonium Tarticum -Warts on glans penis. Penile melanosis is a rare condition that causes discolored areas of skin on the head and shaft of the penis. Humid soreness on genitals and between scrotum and thigh. Dr.Reckeweg R20 Glandular drops is a German specialty homeopathy medicine that treats hormonal disorders in females and also known by the name of Euglandin-F Introduction The disorders of glands in the human body can affect the physiological functions due to excess or deficient hormones. Balanoposthitis. Pain in the testes may occur due to: An injuryto the testes Diabetic neuropathyor damaged nerves of the scrotum due to diabetes Epididymitisor inflammation of sperm-carrying ducts Orchitisor inflammation of testicles Left lung painful. * blistering on penis and scrotum. Burning between the prepuce and glans penis is also marked. Along with swelling, Apis Mellifica also provides relief from the pain and soreness of phimosis. How can Homoeopathy help? Homoeopathic treatment can help treating infection, and can help in preventing its recurrence. 0.4 per 1000 boys per year 0.6% of boys are affected by their 15 th year 4. Long lasting profuse menses with congestion to head and limbs in sensitive . Clematis. Other balanitis home treatment remedies include improved hygiene, better skin care, and better drying techniques. Homeopathic remedy for sensitive teeth . There is yellow-green discharge and scalding pain while urinating. Apply a small amount once daily after a shower or bath. Excitement and emission without amorous fancies. 1. Homeopathy Management in Erectile dysfunctions. small red erosions on the glans. This article discusses the homeopathy treatment of Diseases of Glands along with the best homeopathic medicine for Diseases of Glands treatment. There's a homeopathic remedy called Silica (or Silicea) that's very effective at helping expel foreign substances (like anal gland fluid). The hood seems to protect the clitoris from too much direct stimulation. Swollen lymph nodes are a sign that your body is fighting off an infection or an illness. Cantharis is a powerful irritant drug in crude form. INTRODUCTION: Phimosis is the inability to retract the preputial skin over the glans 1. Castor Equi - Warts on forehead and breast. The Welling homeopathic treatment for Lichen Planus is customized for you so that you get long term relief and permanent cure. There are many remedies in homeopathy indicated in vitiligo treatment but exact medicines are selected on the basis of an individual case history and symptoms. Psoriasis. A long foreskin is likely to slide/roll forward and recover and protect the glans penis when it is released. Warts. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam. A total glans resurfacing procedure provides the best surgical approach to treatment, excising the diseased area with an adequate margin followed by split thickness skin graft. It produces functional disturbances and violent inflammations in these organs. * Immunological Defense: The mucous membranes that line all body orifices are the body's first line of immunological defense. Sycotic excrescences. You can buy Silica at many health stores. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Aconitum napellus treatment for Male ailments: Crawling and stinging in glans. The procedure is the same but it won't cost you $75 a visit to try it. Did it get better? During this period the skin at the tip of the penis became irritated - red, skin cracking. Edit* if you don't understand the sarcasm, then homeopathy i. Pathogen name and classification. HOMOEOPATHIC MAT. Doctors Health Press - Daily Health News and Natural Health Advice Stitching , cutting pain from left kidney following cause . How does foreskin restoration improve sensitivity? In particular, remedies like thuja occidentalis, petroleum and hepar sulphur are effective in treating infections of the penis, specifically herpes, while argentum nitricum is an effective remedy in urethritis. anything that blocks or reduces the flow of urine also increases the risk. 2. Glands secrets certain chemical messengers in the form of hormone. Most men lose some penis sensitivity over time. Foreskin restoration is believed to work in several ways to improve sensitivity: After the glans penis is recovered, it stays moist. . Additionally, when you masturbate, consider using lubrication in order to reduce the amount of friction and stress on the penile tissue. Summary. Coming into warm room from cold air excites cough. There isn't a gluten intolerance test. A wide range of homeopathic remedies has been found to be effective in the treatment of conditions related to the male genitals. Berberis Vulgaris- Flat warts. Buboes, condyloma, easily bleeding. ailments: Inflammatory gonorrhoea, with pus-like discharge. Causes of kidney stones Infection Organisms such as proteus, pseudomonas, and klebsiella produce recurrent UTI. Possibly the best treatment for urethral stricture in the early stages, clematis is used at the first sign of difficulty urinating. The Welling homeopathic treatment for Lichen Planus is customized for you so that you get long term relief and permanent cure. Benzocaine Premature Ejaculation Cream. This may present as a slow, weak flow with a squeezing sensation in the urethra. Suppurating inguinal glands. Burning thirst, with aversion to all fluids. Its main center of function is the urinary and sexual organs. Balanitis is an inflammation of the glans penis (the head, underneath the foreskin). Apis Mellifica, Merc Sol and Caladium are the best homeopathic remedies for Balanitis. Constipation, stools hard and dry as if burnt. Merc Sol Must urinate when thinking of it. It can be detrimental to the married lives of the . Take Magnesium to Reduce Penile Plaque. Ask for a 6C potency. The hood of the clitoris contains glands that produce a lubricating fluid called sebum, which allows the hood to move smoothly back and forth . . Exuberantgranulations. It effectively reduces the inflammation and swelling in the glans penis as well as the foreskin and thus makes it easier to retract the foreskin. With this itching in vulva is also present. Follow up with a natural moisturizer free of allergens and fragrances. The urine seems to pass as far as the glans and then returns and causes pain in urethra . Redness of the penis. Specialized epithelial Langerhans cells, an immune system component, abound in the foreskin's outer surface.13 Plasma cells in the foreskin's mucosal lining secrete immunoglobulins, antibodies that defend against infection.14 * Erogenous Sensitivity: The foreskin is as sensitive as the fingertips or the lips of the mouth. Cinnabaris -Prepuce swollen; warts on it which bleed easily. Itching of glans, frnum, and scrotum. Arnica is effective in treating many small boils that are painful to touch and appear one after another. . Several factors increases the risk for developing kidney stones, including inadequate fluid intake and dehydration, reduced urinary volume etc. These hormones are responsible for many physiological activities in the body. Gastric affections, dry mouth and tongue, tongue coated white, giddy when stooping or rising, forehead heavy, taste bitter, food lies heavy, pit of stomach sore to touch, constipation, etc. When circumcised, the skin is constantly exposed to air and friction from clothing which thickens it and causes it to be less sensitive. Homeopathic Treatment for Balanitis Problem by Dr.Rajeev's Clinic, and also read about its Symptoms, causes and Treatment. Very sensitive, violent burning. In severe cases, painful urination may be present. Nux can also help in bringing down cortisol to allow you to fall asleep. TREATMENT: The treatment of impotency must be on the etiologic basis. Hoarseness. Neisseria gonorrhoeae affects genitals, throat, and eyes. Figwarts of offensive odor. Other effective steroid creams for tight frenulum are Betamethasone Dipropionate 0.5% and Clobetasone Butyrate 0.05%. Masturbation is a completely normal and healthy activity in moderation, but reducing frequency may help to improve penis sensitivity. Again, this will prevent plaque from building up and keep everything flowing as it should. Homeopathic Treatment of Balanitis. Nine Homeopathic Remedies for Urethral Stricture Treatment. In many countries, you can only buy one pill at a time. Location : Ranchi, Patna and Delhi; Call us : 1800 889 2612; Email . Clotrimazole side effects: * redness. Useful for balanitis where there is marked swelling and painful sensitivity of the glans and the prepuce.There is small vesicles present on the glans . Neisseria gonorrhoeae, also known as gonococcus (singular), or gonococci (plural) is a bacteria responsible for gonorrhea. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. It can be very helpful for the people who suffer from low cortisol in the morning, and at nighttime, they are wide awake and not tired at all. Arnica is effective in treating many skins related diseases like acne, boils, eczema, and erysipelatous. In addition, the patient also experiences scalding pain while passing the urine along with yellow-green discharge. We have tried petroleum jelly, Polysporin cream (anitbiotic cream with vitamin e) and Fucidin . Read more about homeopathy here. Some underlying medical conditions can also increase the risk of balanitis, especially diabetes mellitus. Platina - When Vulva is Painful and Sensitive Platina is an excellent medicine when vulva is painful and sensitive to touch. Calendula Officinalis -Warts at the os externum. Poor hygiene can contribute when the area under the foreskin is not washed regularly and bacteria, skin, and sweat accumulate. Lymph nodes are round, bean-shaped . Whitening strips for sensitive teeth ; Home treatment for sensitive teeth ; Sensitive teeth after filling . Physical causes such as tight prepuce or extra sensitivity of the glans penis, . Urine contains oxalates. Breathing spasmodic, with constriction of larynx and chest. Obstinate gonorrha "does not get well . Dragging and itching in the testes, urine is turbid, white or reddish, as if mixed with blood and pus. Homeopathy for Phimosis. Homeopathic Holistic treatment for prostate gland disorders at Viva Healthy Life.medicine may become the main healing . How To Fix It. Merc Sol is another great homeopathic remedy for phimosis syphlitic nature and other penile problems. Silicea is the homeopathic remedy prepared from the inert compound called silica (sand). Cantharis - For Balanitis with Painful Urination Cantharis is a natural medicine for painful urination in cases of balanitis. Palminteri et al concluded that glans resurfacing or reconstruction can ensure a normal-appearing and functional penis, without jeopardizing cancer control. Prepuce painful with difficulty in retracting it. Do this at least 10 times in a row. These patches are dark brown and may be slightly or significantly darker than . Bruised pain in testicles, swollen, hard. Stop for 4-5 seconds and inhale again. Burning in urethra and pain in glans when urinating. Clotrimazole may also cause gastric pain, nausea, and vomiting. . Cantharis can be a useful remedy for patients with puerperal convulsion. Frequent erections and emissions. For some people, penis sensitivity can lead to premature. It is introduced by the founder of Homeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Vomiting of blood-streaked membrane and violent retching. * peeling on penis and scrotum. Sepia - For Painful Intercourse Sepia is the top grade medicine for complaint of painful sex in females. These are just basic indications and there are more than 150 Homeopathic medicines that can be right for you. Now, that you know about all non-surgical solutions of the tight frenulum, get yourself the most suited treatment. . When phimosis occurs due to balanitis, the doctor recommends the following homeopathic medicines-For burning or extreme pain, doctors recommend Apis Mellifica. Inflammation can be because of acute gonococcal infections; urethra is sensitive, patient has to walk with legs apart. Ulcers externally on prepuce similar to chancre (Nitr acid). Redness of the foreskin. Our homeopathic treatment for Lichen Planus is 100% safe and proven to be effective in most of our patients. There are many other common causes to a red penis rash, below you can read more on selected cases with a history, picture and the dermatologists answer. Online dermatologist question. Merc Sol is a is majorly used polycrest homeopathic medicine used to treat ulcers.It works quite well in the cases where there is a noticeable swelling and sensitivity in the glans increased to touch and prepuce of the penis. These may be single, multiple, smooth, or cauliflower- like growth. In most cases, the doctors prescribe to use the medicine twice a day for 3 weeks. In other cases, an antibiotic is prescribed. Foul smelling discharge. Balanitis is usually found in uncircumcised males. HOW TO USE. Kidneys sensitive to pressure Difficult and scanty urine . KNOW YOUR BODY: READER'S DIGEST. Repeat this routine for about 15 minutes to get good results. Check out all homeopathic remedies for homeopathic treatment. This makes it difficult to go to bed early like one is supposed to for adrenal fatigue. The incubation period is 2 to 14 days, with most symptoms appearing between 4 and 6 days after infection. Step 1: You eat a diet containing gluten for about six weeks. Some men report that the extra keratinization of the glans penis has peeled off as skin peels after a day at the beach. Stressed lifestyle, other diseases, and sensitive glans can often be the cause of premature ejaculation in many people. While laying down, contract your pelvic floor muscles for 3 seconds, and then relax for 3 seconds. Sensitive glans treatment in homeopathy | hypersensitivity | sensivity of glansThis video is about hypersensitivity of glans Only for education purpose------. Homeopathic Silica. Man1 contains nutrients, minerals and amino acids that soften tough skin and support the growth of healthy skin and nerve tissue. black pores in skin. 3. Cannabis sativa cause itching and inflammatory swelling of the prepuce, glans and penis with deep redness and phimosis. Berberis vulgaris- Pain in small of the back , very -sensitive to touch in renal region< while sitting and lying from jar from fatigue .Burning and soreness in region of kidney .Numbness , stiffness, lameness with painfull pressure in renal and lumbar region. It can also be recurrent. If medications fail to treat infection and inflammation of penis tip and foreskin, circumcision is performed. It can sometimes be related to the difficulty of keeping the area clean or too much cleanliness, it is therefore important to keep a clean balance. In addition to improving overall cardio health by losing weight and drinking pomegranate juice, there are a few supplements that you can take to help relax the arterial walls. 1. Topical antibacterial or antifungal creams are used as first-line treatment to cure balanoposthitis. Massage gently into the penile skin, including shaft, glans and foreskin, until fully absorbed. GBS are encapsulated organisms and ten antigenically distinct capsular serotypes have been described (1a, 1b, II-IX). He describes it as 'being on fire'. An overly sensitive penis can affect your sexual life. It can even cause pain during intercourse and can disturb your sex life. Streptococcus agalactiae or group B streptococcus (GBS)a gram-positive, -hemolytic organism in the Streptococcus genus that carries the Lancefield group B antigen. Homeopathic . In cases needing Thuja, the glans is very sensitive and has red sores. Homeopathic treatment-. PHOSPHORUS 200 --Phosphorus is a Homeopathic medicine of great help for treating Diabetes Mellitus, though its use depends completely on the constitutional symptoms of the patient. Frequent and copious. Asymptomatic infection is common in males and females. Surgery, Cure and Homeo Treatment or Homeopathy remedies for enlarged prostate. Benzocaine is an over-the-counter local anesthetic used to treat, among other things, sore throats and toothache 2. To get the red out, clean the penis gently with a soft, damp cloth with warm water. Dear doctor now a days many patient are visiting a clinic those are already taking Sildenafil since long back say 1-2 year [ intermittently or as per doctor advise] now they want to shift on homoeopahtic treatment for ED and associated problem like dyslipidemia or DM2 This could be chemicals in soaps or other . Aconitum napellus treatment for Female ailments: Vagina dry, hot, sensitive. Combined these oils will give you a good remedy for swollen glands in the neck and throat: In a small bowl having warm water, add 3-4 drops of these oils. For marked redness of the glans penis, doctors prescribe Caladium. All the glands together forms Endocrine system of the body. Painful foreskin and penis. Burning . Mix 3-5 pellets (don't touch them with your hands) into a small glass of filtered or spring water. When a woman is not sexually aroused, or when a woman is in high arousal, the glans retreats under the hood and is out of sight. That's why, unlike lidocaine, the FDA doesn't pose any restriction on its usage. Homeopathic medicines for male diseases, including prostate problems, are effective and can offer a better treatment option compared to the conventional medical system. 2000]. That is how dangerous they are. The symptoms that require its attention include sensitive glans and it also has red sores. Patients receiving glansectomy or partial penectomy with neoglans reconstruction maintained sexual function and activity, albeit with reduced sensitivity secondary to glans/penile amputation. 1. There are even some balanitis home treatment remedies such as avoiding certain skin products like scented soaps. Herpes, sensitive, bleed easily. Well that's more effective homeopathy will be. Most of the time, they return to normal size when their job is done. Patients receiving glansectomy or partial penectomy with neoglans reconstruction maintained sexual function and activity, albeit with reduced sensitivity secondary to glans/penile amputation. Phimosis may appear as a tight ring or " rubber band " of foreskin around the tip of the penis; preventing full retractions 2. This technique was first described by Bracka for the management of severe LS, but has been adapted for Tis/Ta disease [Depasquale et al. The glans itself contains no sebaceous glands-glands that produce the sebum, or oil, that moisturizes our skin.11 The foreskin produces the sebum that maintains proper health of the surface of the glans. Hello- the penile glans, known simply as the penis head, provides males with a hypersensitive area built for stimulation and pleasure. The foreskin is often also infected as well as the shaft of the penis. It can also have an impact on everyday activities not related to sexual activities. Burning sensation from throat down. Some therapeutic medicines for balanitis are listed below- Ambra Grisea Antimonium Crudum Croton-Tig Calcarea Ferrum Met Nitric Acid Spongia Tosta Thuja For best results, consult a Homoeopathic practitioner. The holistic treatment of the diseases of the prostate gland always centered on the symptoms and their severity, the level of the gland enlargement, the results of the ultrasound, biopsy, and your overall medical condition. Burning between the prepuce and glans penis is also present. Step 2: If you don't have a wheat allergy or celiac disease, your healthcare provider will ask you to exclude . To get relief from swelling and painful sensitivity, doctors recommend Merc Sol. New laundry detergent, underwear, lotion, or body wash can have allergens that aggravate the skin. The homeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution, family history, presenting symptoms, underlying . It is better to prevent balanoposthitis by washing and drying the foreskin. 1. Gradually increase the number . Nux Vomica. Respiratory.--Nervous aphonia with cardiac derangement (Coca; Hydrocy ac). Disgust for everything-drink, food, tobacco. Failure to erect could eventually takes place. The glans purpose is to provide males pleasure, and similar to the clitoris, serves no other function. To deal with various causes individually would be beyond the scope of this article. Repeat at least 3 times a day. With Sensitive Glans After Circumcision his Revboost For Erectile Dysfunction Sensitive Glans After Circumcision mind and Extenze Fast Acting Walmart insidious mind, if he is stronger, they will be more dangerous.Confucianism s awe inspiring righteousness has a huge suppressive Opel Male Enhancement effect on evil cultivation, but to deal with . Other rashes on the head of the penis. In such cases homoeopathic medicines are always beneficial when given after individualization of the patient and prescribed medicine must be similimum in order to cure the patient. It can be acute, lasting for only a short period of time, or it can be chronic lasting for several weeks, months or longer. Incidence is about 1% among the 7 th grade boys 2. 2) Balanitis - Balanitis is an inflammation disturbing the glans, or head, of the penis . Answer (1 of 3): Close your eyes, make a wish that the phimosis will go away, open your eyes. Tickling and tingling sensation in vulva may also be felt. These are just basic indications and there are more than 150 Homeopathic medicines that can be right for you. The symptoms that require its attention include sensitive glans and it also has red sores. Some will even recommend circumcision for certain people. Painful erections. ABSTRACT: Warts are the growth of skin resulting from human papillomavirus infection. * stinging, and burning sensations on the penis. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . ; Allergies to certain chemicals can cause an allergic balanitis. No? Homeopathic medicines for Balanitis can reduce the swelling, inflammation and redness of the glans and the foreskin. Our homeopathic treatment for Lichen Planus is 100% safe and proven to be effective in most of our patients. Although it's not as effective as lidocaine, it's a relatively safe substance. Few of the best remedies indicated in the treatment of Vitiligo are: Silicea . My 89 year old father required a catheter for about one month (issues arising from enlarged prostate and prostate cancer).