23 countries have published a NAP implementation report and 15 have undertaken a NAP evaluation, almost twice as many as 2017. NAPs require building a stronger evidence base, improving skills and capacity and adopting learning by doing approaches. These efforts will continue in 2022, and we expect a surge of ADCOM submissions to take place before the call for inputs into the global stocktake closes next year. The first workshop in Seoul, Republic of Korea, in September focused on mainstreaming climate change adaptation into water resources. hoffmann With this new funding and the momentum built from the past year, our team at the NAP Global Network Secretariat, hosted by IISD, is ready for the work ahead and excited to see real change as NAPs start being implemented around the world. afghanistan capacity In Thailand agriculture constitutes 10.5 percent of the GDP (2014) and employs approximately 25 million people, accounting for 42 percent of the labour force. This GCF-financed project will support the Government of Uruguay to advance its National Adaptation Planning process in cities and local governments (NAP-Cities). Keeping this mind, the projects expected outcomes are; Outcome 1: Strengthened institutional coordination and climate change (CC) information and knowledge management for medium- to long-term planning, Outcome 2: Adaptation options appraised and prioritized, and the National Adaptation Plan formulated, Outcome 3: Climate risk-informed decision-making tools developed and piloted by planning and budget departments at national and sectoral levels. NAP M&E systems support reporting on adaptation progress under the Global Stocktake of the Paris Agreement. unevoc vetp Integrate adaptation into new and existing policies and programmes, especially development strategies. Our World In Data is a project of the Global Change Data Lab, a registered charity in England and Wales (Charity Number 1186433). The NAP-GSP is funded by the Special Climate Change Fund of the Global Environment Facility. NAP is a complex process which requires a strong level of cooperation between government agencies, civil society, academics and inclusion of the vulnerable communities, this briefing note is aimed at providing a push to formulate NAP, identify key points for consideration in the NAP process and encourage the participation of cross-sectoral experts. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. GCF's support for the formulation of National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and other adaptation planning processes is available to all developing countries as part of the Readiness Programme. Opt not to print. afghanistan capacity There are two avenues through which UNEP supports the development of NAPs: The National Adaptation Plan Global Support Programme (NAP-GSP) This project, funded by the Global Environment Facility, is run jointly with UNDP and provides support to over 45 countries. Developing country governments are witnessing first-hand the importance of developing an effective NAP that identifies different risks and priority actions for addressing them. Between the NAP Global Networks country partners and other nations working on their adaptation plans, we can expect more submissions to follow in 2022. Stay informed about the activities of the Green Climate Fund. The support we provided for South Africas adaptation cost estimates and their resource mobilization strategy, or Perus efforts to ensure a participatory NAP development process, are important pieces of their transition from planning to implementation, said Hammill. Are you sure you want to print? A 'phased' approach to accessing the resources can enable countries to 'learn by doing' and thereby benefit from the iterative nature of adaptation. Delivery Partners for adaptation planning and other GCF Readiness proposals can be implemented by any organisation, regardless if they are a GCF Accredited Entity, as long as they undergo a Financial Management Capacity Assessment. WRI's review of GCF adaptation planning guidance. Copyright 2022 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. However, our countries lack the technical, technological and financial capacity to effectively mainstream climate change into the national and local planning process.. supporting adaptation climate finance plans national gwp global Please consult our full legal disclaimer. These stories and images were backed by the latest science last year. Approved readiness proposals provide support for one of more of the following outcomes. The second workshop was held in Abidjan, Cote dIvoire, from 17 to 19 October to support their medium-to long term climate change adaptation planning processes. The National Adaptation Plans Readiness in Democratic Republic of the Congo support grant from the Green Climate Fund will provide resources for readiness and preparatory activities and technical assistance to build capacity to undertake GCF-related activities and develop a strategic framework for engagement with GCF. The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) is a critical tool in the fight against climate change, using research and on-the-ground analyses to plan for adaptation efforts that will generate the most sustainable, just, and cost-effective solutions. All other material, including data produced by third parties and made available by Our World in Data, is subject to the license terms from the original third-party authors. The Ministry of Environment and Forests, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Planning and key personnel working on climate change adaptation relevant programming in water resources, agriculture and food security, coastal zones, and urban habitation (the priority sectors) will be the beneficiaries of this project. Results show a 40% increase in the number of countries that are developing or using NAP M&E systems and almost a doubling of published NAP evaluations. This NAP in focus country briefing on the process to formulate and implement National Adaptation Plans in South Sudan considers firstly the country context and the climate change risks. asia nap expo jw marriott 2022World Meteorological Organization (WMO), National Adaptation Plans, Vehicles for climate service implementation, ocp innovation webinar Space borne Precipitation Measurements and Application, WMO Innovation Seminar - Microsoft and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. adaptation tep Licenses: All visualizations, data, and articles produced by Our World in Data are open access under the Creative Commons BY license. According to forecasts, rainfall will fluctuate even more in the future and the frequency of extreme events such as drought or heavy rain will increase. This means accelerating national efforts to put adaptation at the heart of decision making, which is exactly the goal of the NAP Global Network, which brings together adaptation policymakers from developing countries and donor agencies. In August, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report confirmed that some climate impacts are inevitable and irreversible. NAP monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems can play an important role in tracking implementation but have rarely been studied. 3) Assisting countries to integrate vulnerable sectors, thematic areas, sub-national approaches and legal issues into adaptation planning and budgeting by supporting sectoral and cross-sectoral stock-taking, assessments and application of appropriate tools and guidelines. Bangladesh is experiencing the adverse effects of climate change, including sea level rise in coastal areas, increasing severity of tropical cyclones and extreme rainfall events. UNDP's support to the NAPs contributes to achieve outcome 1 of UNDPs 2014-2017 Strategic Plan. The NAPs process was established under the Cancun Adaptation Framework (2010) in order to prepare countries for addressing climate risk in the medium term. Although over 70 countries adopted a national climate change adaptation plan (NAP), little is known about the extent to which these plans are implemented. There is no doubt that climate change adaptation is crucial to water management, said Young-hoon Kim, Director-General of Climate and Future Policy Bureau, Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea. So Tom and Prncipe develops National Adaptation Plan for climate changePakistan to develop National Adaptation Plan for climate changeIraq launches National Adaptation Plan process for climate change resilience'COVID-19 is a wake-up call':Ghana to develop national plan for climate adaptationDominican Republic develops National Adaptation PlanNepal holds landmark national consultation to advance its National Adaptation PlanCosta Rica moves forward in the process to implement its National Adaptation PlanLaunching the NAP process in MauritaniaMongolia achieves a milestone in National Adaptation PlanningThe Gambia: Integrating climate change risks into planning and financeInterview with government of Bangladesh on the countrys NAP processLaunch event for the NAP process in MalawiAfrican LDCs gather to focus on NAPsLaunching the NAP process in ComorosBurkina Faso: Leading on NAP formulation to adapt and prepareThe Republic of Guinea initiates its National Adaptation Plan processDRC launches National Adaptation Plan project to boost resilience, supported by GCF, UNDPNepal and UNEP launch GCF-NAP project, UNEP Terms of Use PrivacyReport Project Concern Report Scam Contact Us. More than 60% of countries that adopted a national adaptation plan (NAP) are not tracking its implementation. Welcome to GCFs online platform. UNDP is supporting countries on NAPs through a portfolio of initiatives in partnership with development partners. The GCF Apps portal is available for GCF Board members, National Designated Authorities (NDA) / Focal Points, and Accredited Entities (AE). Almost 40% of countries reporting on NAP implementation are developing countries but only three are Least Developed Countries. The Chad National Adaptation Plan Advancement Project is intended to integrate climate change adaptation into medium- and long-term planning and budgeting of climate-sensitive sectors to support the nation in achieving its Nationally Determined Contribution to the Paris Agreement as well as global goals for low-carbon climate-resilient development. For more information, visit the website. UNDP will continue to partner with UNEP, by providing advisory services and strategic direction on the project board of the endogenous capacities project, building on the lessons learned and successes of the NAP-GSP project. In the last year, 10 countries submitted their NAP documents to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), including six countries that we, through the NAP Global Network, have worked with on technical assistance and peer learning. The NAP approach was established under the Cancun Adaptation Framework (CAF) and re-emphasized in the Paris Agreement. At the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference (COP 26), the NAP Global Network received new funding from Canada, the United States, Germany, Ireland, and the United Kingdom to increase support for national adaptation planning and action in developing countries. Outcome 4: Nationally appropriate adaptation investments tracking mechanism set up and financial plan for mid- and long-term CCA implementation prepared. Over 80 percent of the population derive their livelihoods mainly from agricultural activities and the agricultural sector constitutes about a quarter of the GDP. adaptation tep The NAP process seeks to identify medium- and long-term adaptation needs, informed by the latest climate science. This support will enable developing countries to plan and attract larger scale finance for more resilient futures by strengthening their adaptation planning processes. reliefweb grenadines rahman research mcgill yahoo This outcome is stated as Growth and development are inclusive and sustainable, incorporating productive capacities that create employment and livelihoods for the poor and excluded. Although the SDGs are not the first effort to set global goals (and they have been criticized earlier on), they are still by far the most comprehensive and detailed attempt by the United Nations to advance sustainable development. Crop production is dependent on rain-fed agriculture, making it vulnerable to rainfall variability. Help us do this work by making a donation. This year, our researchers conducted deep dives on different themes to help governments use their NAP processes to address and elevate these priorities when building climate resilience. In her keynote speech, Anne Desire Ouloto, Minister for Urban Sanitation, Environment and Sustainable Development, emphasized the need for such capacity-building efforts in the region, It is evident that successful climate resilience requires good planning and prioritization. Countries have the option of accessing the USD 3 million cap through one proposal with one Delivery Partner, or through a set of multiple sequential proposals. Our Secretariats researchers and policy advisors have worked with 45 countries since the Hubs launch in 2016. 2) Providing in-country and virtual support on stocktaking of capacity gaps and needs as well as of ongoing adaptation plans and activities to identify entry points for NAP support. These requests are sent through the Country Support Hub. The Glasgow talks can send an important signal of whether the Paris Agreement can serve as an effective catalyst for countries to keep a 1.5 Celsius pathway within reach. The major crops consist of maize, sorghum, rice, millet, groundnuts and cotton. With financing from the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the "National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to advance medium and long-term adaptation planning in Uzbekistan" project will support the Government of Uzbekistan to develop a NAP. ScienceDirect is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Do governments track the implementation of national climate change adaptation plans? The Nature for Climate Adaptation Initiative (NCAI) has one crucial goal: to help enable nature-based climate action that protects both livelihoods and biodiversity in the most vulnerable parts of the world. These findings support calls for greater attention to the quality of adaptation planning and for assessing its implementation and effectiveness. Under this objective, GCF's support for adaptation planning is designed to be country-driven, evidence-based and gender-sensitive. Viet Nam has seven different climate regions with variations of temperature, rainfall patterns, and frequencies/ intensities of cyclones, floods, and droughts. The number of countries engaged in developing or using mechanisms to track NAP implementation has increased by 40% since 2017.